Dalit Christians and their
macabre practices of Circumcision:
Christians and their macabre practices:
& Fitra.
Prepuce is the most sensitive part of the human male body.
Clitoris is the most sensitive part of the human female body.
Circumcision involves cutting off these sensitive body parts.
India, Christians and pakis are exact synonyms. Indian Christians are different
from European Christians : 99% are untouchables or pakis or dalits.
Christian malas are circumcised Pakis.
pakis are part of the black churches of India. Christian dalits e.g. mala caste fellows
circumcise their sons on the 8th day after birth.
and their Circumcision: Wee bit cut off : Wee-bit is prepuce of the penis.
Dalit Christianity is full of circumcised
crooks with circumcised cocks and
females are circumcised cooks.
Delight: Number of Christians shrank in India after declaration of SC converts
to Christianity as not Scheduled Castes but Backward Castes from around 6
% to 2%.
Malas are Black Protestants of the Anglican CSI (
the Black Church of South India) and
Christian Madigas are Black Baptists. All
Christian Malas in Coastal Andhra are totally circumcised, there is 100% guarantee. Dalit Christians have hybrid names with one Hindu
sanskrit name and one abrahamic name for integrating into both societies.
Both these Christian castes are heavily circumcised. MALA women (known as
bogams) are prostitutes of the Telugu land. MALA women love
circumcised cocks of their impotent and circumcised MALA husbands. They are
such filthy people. Botched circumcision regularly occurs and causes
loss of manhood to these castes esp. the wicked malas. All
Protestant MALA men are thoroughly circumcised. There is definite 100%
guarantee regarding their circumcision. I personally checked the penises of
these filthy rogues (Christian MALAS only) and found both normal circumcised
penises and penises with botched circumcision.
For MALA women, FGM or
female genital mutilation (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Female_genital_mutilation) is
christian women & men, their grandfathers, uncles, father-brother-husband
and sons are circumcised.
Moslems, all male and female relatives are circumcised. Dalit Muslims
: Katwa Katwi judwaa chudwa. i.e. both men and women dalit muslims
are circumcised resulting in circumcised male and female people coupling and
having sex. Circumcision mobs hold the upper hand versus anti circumcision
movements. For example, Aunty circumcision gangs are Dalit
Christian/Muslim females' gang who are supportive of and perpetrators of
circumcision & FGM.
Religious circumcision is
an Abrahamic ritual.
dalits esp. the malafide Mala caste fellows don’t have bodily integrity
and therefore lack moral integrity. Dalits and their voluntary Conversion
to Islam & Christianity and resulted in circumcised sub-castes e.g.
Merugu Christian Mala caste. Dalit converts to Christianity are considered
backward castes and not scheduled castes as per Indian Constitution.
Mala caste fellows
i.e. Dalits are Arzal as per
the Caste system in Islam :
1. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caste_system_among_South_Asian_Muslims
Ziauddin Barani, a 14th
century political thinker of the Delhi Sultanate, recommended that the
"sons of Mohamed" (i.e. Ashrafs) be given a higher social status than the low-born
(i.e. Ajlaf). His most significant contribution in the fatwa was his
analysis of the castes with respect to Islam. His assertion was that castes
would be mandated through state laws or "Zawabi" and would carry
precedence over Sharia law whenever they were in conflict. According to Barani,
every act which is "contaminated with meanness and based on ignominity,
comes elegantly [from the Ajlaf]".
The untouchable Hindu
converts are also categorized as Arzal ("degraded"). They are relegated to menial
professions such as scavenging and carrying
night soil.
2. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circumcision
is the removal of the foreskin from the human penis. In the most common procedure, the foreskin is
opened, adhesions are removed, and the foreskin is separated from the glans. After
that, a circumcision device may be placed, and then the foreskin is cut off.
3. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brit_milah
is a Jewish religious male
circumcision ceremony performed by
a mohel ("circumciser") on the eighth day of the infant's life.
The brit milah is followed by a celebratory meal (seudat mitzvah).
4. Dalits and their Circumcision in Islam:
or Khitan or Khatna is the term for male circumcision carried out
as a part of Islamic culture by Muslims.
Male circumcision is widespread in Islam and accepted as established practice by
all Islamic schools of jurisprudence.[3] It is considered a sign of belonging
to the wider Islamic community.
5. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religious_male_circumcision
circumcision generally occurs shortly after birth, during childhood or around puberty as part of a rite of
passage. Circumcision is most prevalent in the religions of Judaism, Islam, the
Coptic Orthodox Church, the Ethiopian Orthodox Church[1] and the Eritrean
Orthodox Church.
6. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religious_male_circumcision#Criticism_and_opposition_to_circumcision
as late as 1936, L. E. Holt, an author of pediatric textbooks, advocated both circumcision and female genital
mutilation as a treatment for masturbation.
7. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethics_of_circumcision
circumcision is the surgical removal of the foreskin (prepuce) from the human
penis.[1] The ethics of
non-therapeutic circumcision being imposed on unconsenting minors (babies and
children) has been a source of ongoing controversy.Some medical associations
take the position that the parents should determine what is in the best
interest of the infant or child.[5] Others say that circumcision is an
infringement of the child's autonomy and should be prolonged until he is
capable of making the decision himself.
8. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circumcision_controversies
Classical and Hellenistic civilization, Ancient
Greeks and Romans posed great value
on the beauty of nature, physical integrity, aesthetics, harmonious bodies and
nudity, including the foreskin, and were
opposed to all forms of genital mutilation, including circumcision—an opposition inherited by the canon and secular legal
systems of the Christian West and East that lasted at least through to the
Middle Ages, according to Hodges.[4] Traditional branches of Judaism and Islam
still advocate male circumcision as a religious obligation.Overall, the rite of
circumcision was especially execrable in Classical civilization, also because
it was the custom to spend an hour a day or so exercising nude in the gymnasium
and in Roman baths, therefore Jewish men did not want to be seen in public
deprived of their foreskins.
9. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circumcision_controversies#Early_Christianity
was debate in the early Church on whether Gentiles needed to be circumcised in
order to join the communities; some Jewish Christians insisted that it was
necessary. The Council of Jerusalem (50 CE) decreed that circumcision was not a
requirement for Gentiles, which became known as the "Apostolic
Decree".[29] This was one of the first acts differentiating Early
Christianity from Judaism.[30] Around
140 CE, the Tannaim made circumcision requirements stricter, in order to make
the procedure irreversible.
10. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forced_circumcision
circumcision refers to circumcision of males who have not given their consent
to the procedure. In a biblical
context, the term is used especially in relation to Paul the Apostle and his
polemics against the forced circumcision of gentile Christians.[1] The most
common form of forced circumcision is performed widely in Israel and the United
States, where it is known as neonatal circumcision. This form of circumcision
involves the circumcision of a male newborn. Although their parents may consent
to it, the males themselves do not, therefore making it forced. Among adults,
forced circumcisions have occurred in a wide range of situations, most notably
in the compulsory conversion of non-Muslims to Islam.
11. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circumcision_and_law
against the procedure point to the boy's right of freedom from religion. In
several court cases, judges have pointed to
the irreversible nature of the act,[1]
the grievous harm to the boy's body,[2] and the right to self-determination,
and bodily integrity.
12. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mohel
noun mohel (mohala in Aramaic) "circumciser",
is derived from the same verb stem as milah "circumcision."[1] The
noun appeared for the first time in the fourth century as the title of a
circumciser (Shabbat 156a)
13. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_male_circumcision
Circumcision has ancient roots among several ethnic groups in
sub-equatorial Africa, and is still performed on adolescent boys
to symbolize their transition to
warrior status or adulthood.
Circumcision and/or subincision (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penile_subincision), often
as part of an intricate coming of age ritual, was a common practice among
Australian Aborigines and Pacific islanders at first contact with Western
travelers. It is still practiced in the traditional way by a proportion of the
14. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prevalence_of_circumcision
prevalence of circumcision is the percentage of males in a given population who
have been circumcised. The rates vary widely by country, from virtually 0% in
Honduras and Japan, to 3.8% in the United Kingdom, to 7% in Spain, to 45% in
South Africa, to 82.5% in the United States, to over 90% in many
Muslim-majority countries. In
2007, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimated 33% of adult males
worldwide (aged 15+) are circumcised, with about two-thirds of those being
15. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3130485/
Removal of foreskin remnants in circumcised adults for treatment of premature ejaculation.
mala men have this problem of premature ejaculation that's why they converted
to Christianity to get themselves circumcised and thereby cured of their
16. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Female_genital_mutilation
genital mutilation (FGM), also known as
female genital cutting and female circumcision,[a] is the ritual cutting or
removal of some or all of the external female genitalia.
17. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infibulation
is the ritual removal of the external female genitalia and the suturing of the
vulva, a practice found mainly
in northeastern Africa, particularly in Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia,
and Sudan.[1] The World Health Organization refers to the procedure as Type III
female genital mutilation. Infibulation can also refer to placing a clasp
through the foreskin in men.
18. 'This
is what it's like to pee after female genital mutilation':
Hibo, now 46, was
subjected to what is defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as
"type three" mutilation when she was six. This means all of her labia
were cut off and she was then stitched together, leaving a tiny hole
she compares to the size of a matchstick. Her clitoris was also removed. She
grew up in Somalia, where 98% of women and girls between 15 and 49 have had
their genitals forcibly mutilated.
19. The Jewish and Christian view on female genital
20. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caste_system_among_Indian_Christians
The caste
system among Indian Christians often reflects stratification by sect,
location, and the castes of their predecessors.[1] Caste
distinctions among Indian Christians are breaking down at about the same rate
as those among Indians belonging to other religions. There exists evidence to
show that Christian individuals have mobility within their respective castes.[2] But,
in some cases, social inertia caused from their old traditions and biases
against other castes to remain, causing caste system to persist among Indian
Christians to some extent.
21. http://indianhope.free.fr/site_eng/article_5.php3
The following
discriminatory practices are found from the data collected from the Church:
1. Construction of two
chapels, one for non-dalits and the other for the dalits. In some parishes
liturgical services are conducted separately.
2. Separate seating
arrangements within the same chapel. Dalits are usually seated at the two
aisles. Even if there are benches or chairs in
the church, dalits are required only to be seated on the floor.
1. Circumcision sometimes results in permanent botched circumcision for hapless christian dalits esp. the wicked and
vengeful mala caste fellows.
Penile cancer is not any valid excuse for circumcision as it needs complete cutting off entire penis to prevent
its spread.
Circumcision is beneficial Only for cancer
of prepuce.
Gonorrhea is
another reason for circumcision by the Semites of Middle East
and Dalits of India.
Syphilis is easily contracted by
the circumcised men.
Masturbation is very painful for
circumcised boys just as sex
is painful for circumcised men. Making
masturbation painful is the express purpose of circumcision.
AIDS is easily contracted by
circumcised men as is evident in the prevalence in large numbers in Africa and
also is evident by the prevalence in the dalit prostitutes castes such as
malas, the mala fide community of Andhra Pradesh.
AIDS originated from Africa where
circumcision is widespread.
9. Circumcision spillover effect: Arabs and Jews circumcise their animals as well.
10. Kancha ilaiah is a man who underwent
religious surgical procedure to remove the foreskin or prepuce of his penis
when he was seven days old. It is called circumcision. It is done by Christians
for each and every new born son. But in ilaiah's case his circumcision was
Botched. His manliness was lost. I heavily recommend that ilaiah is
selected for Mr. Botched Circumcised Award.
11. Pranay Perumalla and Amrutha varshini:
Mala Pranay was a circumcised guy who impressed the prostitute
girl Amrutha Varshini Tirunagari with his botched circumcised
12. FGM is khifad in Arabic. Clitoris excised and vaginas stiched up is FGM.
Reason for Islam's FGM is magic cure for cervical cancer, virginity preservation and to remove ability to masturbate., escape from hell, prevention of syphilis and gonorrhea
13. Jews were matriarchal caste in history.
14. Semitic race is a double cancer ethnicity having both penile and cervical cancer.